Posts by tag: medication safety

How to Safely Store and Dispose of Linagliptin

How to Safely Store and Dispose of Linagliptin

| 19:13 PM

In my latest post, I've discussed vital information on how to properly store and dispose of Linagliptin, a diabetes medication. I've highlighted the need to store it at room temperature, away from light, moisture, and heat, and out of reach of children. I've also emphasized the importance of not flushing the drug down the toilet or pouring it into a drain unless instructed. Instead, it's advisable to use a medicine take-back program for safe disposal. Remember, proper handling of medication is crucial for both your safety and the environment's protection.

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Dabigatran and Drug Interactions: What Patients Need to Know

Dabigatran and Drug Interactions: What Patients Need to Know

| 04:31 AM

Dabigatran is a commonly prescribed blood thinner that can interact with various other medications, which is something we all need to be aware of. These interactions can either increase the risk of bleeding or reduce the effectiveness of Dabigatran. It's crucial to discuss all medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, with your doctor when starting Dabigatran. Paying attention to these details can help manage potential risks. Remember, being well-informed is an essential part of maintaining your health.

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